April 27, 2023
Benefits of working in Canada from Kenya
As a Kenyan considering working in Canada, it is imperative to be well-versed with the most expected benefits tagged to this opportunity. There is no doubt, that Canada remains one of the most highly sought-after destinations for professionals desiring to build their careers. It is relatively easy to find jobs in Canada. Once a Kenyan is issued a valid Canadian work permit, they are ready to enjoy the myriad benefits that come along with working in Canada as follows:
i) The Robust employment market in Canada
From time immemorial, the economic growth of any nation has been directly linked to sufficient labor. Just like Europe and America, Canada continues to suffer from a skills shortage. Consequently, attracting a foreign workforce has been inevitable for Canada and thus, a good opportunity for any Kenyan aspiring to work in Canada. Yearly, Canada welcomes thousands of workers across various sectors like health, manufacturing, and trade. The workers range from highly skilled professionals to semi and nonskilled workers. This makes Canada a suitable labor market for doctors, nurses, engineers, plumbers, caregivers, Nannies, and farm workers among others.
ii) Universal Healthcare Program
Accessibility to healthcare services is a major admiration factor for any person contemplating working in a foreign country. Canada boasts a robust universal healthcare program funded by tax revenues. The program allows Canadian citizens to receive needed medical services. The beauty of the Canadian healthcare program is its coverage not only to permanent residents but also to holders of
valid work visas. This is beneficial to Kenyans desiring to work in Canada.
iii) Affordable cost of living
Canada stands out as a relatively affordable country as compared to its counterparts in the developed world closet. Worth noting is the affordability of living in Canada is dependent on a range of factors such as expenses and salary expectations. Liaising with a credible trip and visa expert like Victoria Visa Consultants can help you settle
for the most affordable provinces to live in Canada. An overwhelming
statistical inclusion has also named Canada a happy and safe destination with very low crime rates.
iv) Employee Benefits
There are outstanding legislated benefits for a Kenyan considering working in Canada. Employment Insurance (EI) is an outstanding
benefit that is jointly contributed by an employer and employee. The EI is intended to cushion unemployed workers and thereby assist them to seek employment or even upgrade their skills. The program is also beneficial to workers on leave from work owing to various circumstances like being critically injured or ill, caring for a newborn, and pregnancy among others. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is yet another legal benefit. The CPP is a mandatory contributory saving scheme where an employee and employer jointly contribute to
the pension. Any Kenyan with a valid work visa in Canada is obligated to contribute to the plan and can enjoy a pension at sixty years.
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Mauris non dignissim purus, ac commodo diam. Donec sit amet lacinia nulla. Aliquam quis purus in justo pulvinar tempor. Aliquam tellus nulla, sollicitudin at euismod